Vocal Transfromation
“Express not Impress.
If you can liberate the voice you can liberate
the human.” Jill Purce
Liberate your Voice Liberate your Soul
In this workshop, we explore the relationship between our Heart and our Voice and discover what happens to us when our Mind interferes with this powerful connection and why. You will learn about healing power of your own Voice, and how when it is used consciously, can transform your obstacles into the energy you need to breath through what is holding you back. Over time and with practice, this re alignment reconnects you with your personal power and your ability to speak your truth. A reconnection to your Child Heart and its creativity opens you to the flow of joy making you more receptive to the wisdom of your heart and its healing energies.
Are you longing to find the joy that comes from finding your Authentic Voice and
aligning with your true nature?
In this course you will…
Explore the energy centers associated with your voice and how they influence your self-expression.
Explore the archetype of the Inner Child and any obstacles that may be blocking its freedom to express joy and creativity in your life.
Explore the nature of your voice’s unique vibrational identity & how it shows up differently for everyone.
Learn how to tap into the power of your Heart’s Longing & Resonance using your voice & transform your pain into power.
Learn practical tools for voice work such as toning, sound embodiment, mantra, and ancient songs to activate the healing energy of the Heart.
Sing in a group to free your voice and experience the heartfelt connection and common ground.
Receive 2 MP3 recordings of Laura’s healing songs.

Do you experience ?
Feelings of powerlessness and a lack of direction.
Feeling like you are living someone’s else’s idea of what your life should be.
Finding it difficult to hear and follow your inner voice due to self doubt and trust issues.
Inability to connect with what you long for and your Heart.
Voices from your past influencing your personal authority and ability to choose for yourself.
A lack of heartfelt joy.
A longing to find the inspiration and courage to free your voice in the world and / or sing.
A lack of vibrational stamina to follow through in life.
A lack of power in your speaking voice and a sense of holding back your truth.
Thyroid Issues (Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid) Graves Disease and Hashimoto.
The workshop combines theory and practice. Included is the learning of ancient sacred songs to help purify the heart and reconnect you with the energy your authentic voice and its sound. Exploration and discovery is experienced through creative exercises that include sounding, singing, art, toning, movement, breath work, meditation, energy work and song writing. By the end of the workshop you will leave with the confidence and tools needed to continue your practice at home and the awareness to deepen your awareness and healing.