What are you looking to express and heal ?
Ask me about the following 3 processes to see what meet your needs.
l. The Awakened Voice is a series of individual sessions of self discovery, joy and empowerment through exploring your relationship with your voice. The voice is a barometer that provides emotional, mental, physical and spiritual insights. It is a transformative energy centre of power often untapped and blocked.
The energy behind your voice and the life force in your breath is heart driven. When we work with our voices we are healing our hearts and learning to give it back its authority. The manner is which you use your voice, express yourself, tells us about the quality of the relationship between your heart and mind.
In these sessions you will be shown how to tap into your courage to unpack the obstacles and learn to express yourself, without censorship, and come to know the freedom and joy of being your authentic self. You will learn about your inner power and the coherent flow of energy between the centers of your Mind, Voice and Heart as the align with each other.
Have you ever asked yourself, “Is my voice my own?” Our throat chakra generates the energy we need to have healthy willpower so we can create the lives we desire. Without it, our voice is inauthentic and powerless as we have unknowingly given it away to appease others.
If the approval of others is more important than living our own truth, we end up silencing our voices, giving away our power and sabotaging our happiness. We all carry fears of being rejected, humiliated, and misunderstood from our past wounds. The negative programming creates a seemingly insurmountable wall that makes it feel too difficult to break free and express our truth and joy. The good news is that we have the transformative resources within our hearts to reclaim it.
Our voice carries our unique vibrational signature. It contains our life story as a spectrum of frequencies from our greatest highs to our deepest lows. The aim is not to eliminate the lows. The aim is to consciously heal and integrate our whole spectrum and use it as a unique soundscape to enrich our lives.
Conscious singing can bypass the limitations of our negative belief systems, and activate our heart’s inner resources to transform our pain into power. One of those inner resources is “innocence” carried by our inner child. It is responsible for the joy, magic, and creativity that are often missing from our lives.
2. Heart Song is a series of sessions that work directly with the energy of your heart and is a process where I help you to write your own heart song for healing and transformation. The song becomes a healing message from your heart to sing when needed and like a compass, will help you to find your way back to your true self.
3. Singing Skills is a series of sessions focussing on singing technique and song delivery designed for beginners. We explore breath, pitch, vocal range, body awareness, song choice and song delivery.
We all carry a spark in our hearts that hold our deepest longings. Join me in these sessions as I guide you to discover your authentic voice in a safe space where you can ignite your spark, feed your inner fire and enjoy the expressive freedom.